Body shaping and lipoflliing

The possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine in France

Excess weight is a problem for most people living on the planet Earth. There are many reasons for this, starting from the bad environment, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, ending with the heredity, metabolic disorder, endocrine system disorders, and other abnormalities in the body’s vital functions. You and only you shall make a decision about how to eliminate the defects of your figure. First of all, love yourself and your body, and then you will find individual ways of modeling your figure. Plastic surgery in France is able to correct any apparent defects, correcting problem areas with a full guarantee of the patient’s safety.

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Liposuction in France is a reliable, highly effective method of correction, which always results in a successful outcome in terms of health and aesthetics. Fat is removed through cannulas with a few fine punctures and without a single cut. There will be no trace of operation on the skin. Before the operation, preliminary preparation of the patient called premedication is carried out. Surgery spots are marked with a special marker. Anesthesiologists choose the best anesthesia option – local or general. In order to avoid swelling of the tissues, fixing bandages are selected. Local anesthesia eliminates any pain, in addition, the introduced liquid will contribute to weight loss after the manipulations.

body correction surgery

Many thin people complain of unnecessary “buoys” on the waist, and this concerns both ladies and gentlemen. Media people cover persons, supermodels, TV hosts, and actresses who need this for a further successful career. And some people want to have a wasp waist or a beautiful torso without exhausting themselves with diets or regular exercise. The French centers of plastic surgery solve the issues of correction of any figure defects. They can tighten a slack belly of a new mother, remove the post-operative scars or burns and injuries and perform a tummy tuck. It is believed that figure correction is women’s care. However, men face the problem of ugly, droopy folds on the belly and thighs, and unaesthetic breeches as well. Many men are not satisfied with a beer belly, local deposition of fat in the chin, pelvis, thighs. Gym or exercise do not provide such an effective result.

ipofilling surgery

The methods of correction and modeling of the face and figure

Liposuction is of several types. The shortest type – small liposuction – takes about thirty or forty minutes, and removes up to a liter of fat. The average liposuction takes about an hour and removes two times more fat. One and a half or two hours are spent on the procedure of large liposuction, during which it is possible to remove up to three liters of fat deposits. Using the laser technique allows avoiding bleeding and traces on the skin in the form of scars, bruises, swelling. The patient recovers soon after such laser procedures.

During the tumescent liposuction, the subcutaneous fat layer is destroyed by introducing a specially formulated liquid – Klein’s solution – in “problematic” spots, removing fat with a vacuum. The decongestants and anesthetics contained in the solution promote vasoconstriction, facilitating the process of extracting fat cells. Through the use of high-frequency current, an electric field is created through the thin needles introduces into the body. Body fat is liquefied and the resulting substance is discharged through small, inconspicuous punctures without any cuts. Electronic lipomodeling helps to correct the problem area of the second chin, making face contours sharp.

Surgical correction of the deformed anterior wall of the abdomen is called abdominoplasty. This method is used to remove excess skin, internal fat deposits in the anterior abdominal cavity, rough scars, and stretches, tissue prolapse. Taking into account the state of the skin, hernias, stretches, doctors perform mini-abdominoplasty, one of the gentle manipulations with a minimum of cuts on the abdomen, by removing excess skin below the navel. Classic or standard abdominoplasty is performed in the umbilical and pubic area, with small transverse incisions. The next is liposuction followed by skin tightening and removal of stretches of the abdominal muscles. During the local abdominoplasty, all the excess fat from the back, thighs, abdomen, sides are removed through the cuts in the umbilical and public areas. Apronectomy is the longest and the most complex surgery performed under general anesthesia. It requires the most time for recovery.

Lymphatic massage reduces swelling, improves fluid drainage in the tissues, improves the skin tone. The mild French climate facilitates fast postoperative rehabilitation.

An alternative to eliminating defects without a surgery

A non-surgical alternative to the traditional methods is the application of phosphatidylcholine injections. The entire process is absolutely pain-free. It only brings a slight discomfort and postoperative feeling. The positive result is fixed by using underwear with compression functions.

Cryolipolysis is considered one of the most effective methods of correction in France. During the cooling procedure, the subcutaneous fat is destroyed by a vacuum nozzle. The advantages of this method include a painless rapid achievement of the desired result by affecting the inaccessible areas.

Cryolipolysis is used for massive fat deposits and for local correction using the procedure of transplant the patient’s fat tissue from one area to another. Pre-programmed cell death is called apoptosis. Due to the recycling of the dead cells, the body’s cells are renewed. Due to the sensitivity of cells to a sharp decrease in temperature, they are destructed under the influence of the cold – this is what the method of effective correction about.

Lipid cells die forever and never recover again. Dead cells are removed in the liver through the blood. Lymphatic drainage massage and wrapping speed up the recovery. The very next day after the procedure, the skin color and temperature normalize.

Liposuction, as well as other equally effective methods that leave no scars and cuts, allows to get the dream body, remove defects of body contours, facial contours, without prejudice to the health. The reliable and experienced hands of the best French specialists will help your dream to come true.

Lipofilling is the method of correcting age-related changes of the face and body, which is widely used in plastic surgery. The patient’s own body fat taken from one part of the body is administered to the right place under the skin of the face, lips, giving them a beautiful, sexy look. This low-traumatic method leaves no scars. It requires no long period of rehabilitation. The transferred fat cells successfully take roots in a very short period of time. A small swelling disappears quickly.

BBL is a high-intensity photorejuvenation technology that solves a wide range of age-related problems. The broadband pulsed light method stimulates cells to produce their own collagen, slowing down the processes of skin aging. It is a great opportunity to remove various vascular diseases, benign pigmented spots, and other skin diseases, a way to cure acne, to perform rejuvenation and lifting of the epidermal cells. The effect of the secure BroadBand Light procedure is proved clinically by scientists in the study of the genome of skin aging.

ipofilling surgery tummy tuck

Do not fall under the influence of myths about the dangers of such procedures. It is better to trust completely the best French professionals and get the desired result. The possibilities of modern plastic surgery, medicine, and cosmetics are endless. Using the latest, tested technologies allows to perform any operation at a high level. Removal of enlarged pores, acne, correction of the skin tone, removal of deep and superficial wrinkles and other cosmetic and medical procedures are performed by the leading experts of medicine in France.

When a new client is admitted to the clinic, the professionals provide a comprehensive range of all the prescribed procedures, including examination and the full course of treatment followed by recovery. Recent technological innovations, ultramodern medical equipment and sufficient experience of the doctors guarantee the high quality of all procedures.

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